Compliance & Code of Conduct
Our values are underpin everything we do at Semperit. They are the foundation from which we continue to evolve as a company. As fixed components of our corporate culture, our values are expressed in the Semperit Group’s rules, requirements and guidelines. Any illegal and unethical conduct or violations of compliance requirements are strictly prohibited under these rules. Our clearly defined goal is to prevent any violations which might damage our company and therefore each and every one of us. We stand against any such violations and ensure proper conduct at Semperit.
The Group-wide compliance management system guarantees uniform application worldwide of our high ethical standards and compliance with any given country’s local laws. This is because it is our responsibility to promote a corporate culture which reflects our principles.
Compliance Management
SemperLine – Whistleblower hotline
The Semperit Hotline (the “SemperLine”) is available to support you whenever you are unable to discuss your concerns in person. This special communications platform is managed by an external partner and guarantees that the information you provide will be processed securely and confidentially.
Code of Conduct
All employees must adhere to our values and business principles which are clearly laid out in the Semperit Code of Conduct.
Integrity & honesty
Honesty and integrity are fundamental aspects of Semperit’s core values and are therefore also central to the company’s compliance management system. Compliance at Semperit is based on a common, values-based culture and the promotion of all team members’ individual responsibility. This also includes joint efforts to prevent and stand against violations which might harm our company.
Team members are often aware of such violations but hesitate to share their knowledge because they fear the potential consequences and reactions: What happens if my own supervisor or my colleague in the office opposite mine is affected? Or: What will people think of me if I point out the corrupt conduct of a “competitor”? Will anybody even believe me and follow up on my report?
If you have any doubts as to whether particular events comply with the law, the Code of Conduct, or Semperit’s compliance guidelines, please do not hesitate to report them. We encourage all employees, suppliers and partners to report potential misconduct or violations of our Code of Conduct.

Senior Group Compliance Manager
General information on data protection and privacy policies
How we use your personal data
Semperit processes the personal data of whistleblowers, persons against whom a report has been filed, and witnesses; this includes general information (name, language, etc.) and information on the reported incident and/or misconduct. Such processing is necessary to safeguard Semperit’s legitimate interests in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations as well as to protect Semperit’s interests.
All reports are processed by the Group Compliance Officer. As the case may be, the data may be transferred to relevant departments/individuals within the Group as well as to the authorities, courts and legal representatives.
How long will your data be retained?
Semperit stores your data only as long as necessary to process your complaint and then deletes the data as soon as possible.
How to contact us
Please contact Semperit if you have any questions as to the processing of your data