SemperLine – Whistleblower hotline
The Semperit Hotline (the “SemperLine”) is available to support you whenever you are unable to discuss your concerns in person. This special communications platform is managed by an external partner and guarantees that the information you provide will be processed securely and confidentially. You can use the SemperLine to voice your concerns 24/7 in any of the languages spoken at Semperit and therefore play an active role in ensuring proper conduct within the Semperit Group. Please make all information you possess available openly. However, if you wish to do so anonymously, SemperLine also offers an anonymous dialogue option.
You may rest assured that all information you report will be checked thoroughly and that the steps you have taken will not lead to any repercussions against you. Please trust us. We, for our part, trust that you will not give us dishonest information.
Please note that this hotline is not intended for customer enquiries and customer complaints respecting the products or services of the Semperit Group.

Senior Group Compliance Manager