We take responsibility for people and the environment
We confront numerous challenges every day and make innumerable decisions with different consequences – always endeavouring to improve our environment and quality of life. This applies to all things large and small and encompasses almost everything we do. Sustainability also involves defining new approaches, developing ideas and taking decisions which not only reduce negative effects on society and the environment but also to encourage positive outcomes.
Our societies currently face a number of big challenges – first and foremost climate change along with its risks and consequences. The concept of a circular economy (or circularity) is the second-most important topic closely related to climate change; it concerns a range of topics such as selection of raw materials, use of resources and recoverability. But the questions to be solved do not just concern environmental parameters. They also concern the social consequences resulting from both climate change and the increased use of resources worldwide. Over and above the environmentally relevant challenges, we must also pay attention to social challenges which include ever-increasing inequality or the ramifications of demographic change and initiate purposeful activities aimed at making a positive contribution.
Success in sustainability requires thinking holistically, developing awareness, including all relevant stakeholders, and ensuring that no topic is put on the backburner. Climate change mitigation, the health and safety of our employees and diversity are as decisive as are good corporate governance or the sustainable alignment of supply chains. At Semperit, we are conscious of these responsibilities and feel that current internal and external developments alike reinforce our resolve to continue expanding and pushing our sustainability programme. Our activities and solutions, as well as our products, serve to create opportunities for current and future generations. It is clear to us that we do not yet have suitable answers to many questions. We have set ourselves the task to find these answers jointly with our partners. We want to firmly embed the concept of sustainability in the hearts and minds of all parties, step by step; this requires pooling know-how, high levels of dedication and having a clear goal.
UN Global Compact (UNGC) & Together for Sustainability (TfS)
Semperit joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2020. In doing so, it committed to the application and promotion of the Compact’s ten principles. The UNGC is a global initiative for responsible corporate governance whose vision is to create an inclusive and sustainable global economy. Ten principles respecting five topics (human rights and labour standards, environmental and climate protection as well as the fight against corruption) along with support for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the central element of the UN Global Compact.
The growing significance of aligning supply chains with sustainability shows that, in some areas, it takes both a combined effort and the collaboration of several stakeholders to get things moving. With this in mind, Semperit joined the “Together for Sustainability” (TfS) initiative which comprises numerous international chemical companies. The initiative’s overarching goal is to make the chemical industry’s global supply chains sustainable as well as to push current and future topics. TfS is a global organisation which abides by the principles of both the UNGC and Responsible Care. See here for more information: www.tfs-initiative.com.
Reports and information
The success of the Semperit brand is rooted not only in our know-how and competence but also and especially in the trust our partners place in us. We work hard to ensure we are continually evolving. We aim to always be at the cutting edge and to master any challenges we face. In doing so, we want at all times to be a trusted partner which acts responsibly and respectfully. Achieving this goal is predicated on clear guidelines and instructions which are addressed to a wide range of target groups, depending on the topic, and affect external and internal stakeholders alike. The guidelines we have established reflect our beliefs, follow international standards and define what we think is important and what we expect from our partners.
Sustainability principles
The success of the Semperit brand is rooted not only in our know-how and competence but also and especially in the trust our partners place in us. We work hard to continue evolving, to always be at the cutting edge and to master all challenges. In doing so, we want at all times to be a trusted partner which acts responsibly and respectfully. Achieving this goal is predicated on clear guidelines and instructions which are addressed to a wide range of target groups, depending on the topic, and affect external and internal stakeholders alike. The guidelines we have established reflect our beliefs, follow international standards and define what we think is important and what we expect from our partners.