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Semperit Shareprice

The Semperit share offers you the opportunity to invest in an Austrian industrial company which is successful both at home and on the international market. Use our Share-Chart-Tool to compare our share’s performance with those of stock market indices and select stock.



Baader Bank, Christian Obst,
Erste Bank, Vladimira Urbankova,
Kepler Cheuvreux, Sven Sauer,
ODDO BHF, Markus Remis,
Warburg, Marc-René Tonn

Shareholder structure

Semperit AG Holding is listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange with 20,573,434 no-par value bearer shares. With an equity interest of 57.25% (as of end of 2024), B&C Group is a stable, major shareholder of the Semperit-Group. Furthermore, Mr. Alain de Krassny (de Krassny GmbH) holds in total 10% (as reported on January 12, 2023). The remaining shares are in free float.

Key performance indicators   2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Share price at the reporting date

in EUR 14.16 19.82 29.30 24.30


Lowest price in EUR 13.60
Highest price in EUR 27.10
Market capitalisation at the balance sheet date in EUR million 291.3 407.7 602.8 499.9 229.2
Number of shares issued in units 20,573,434 20,573,434 20,573,434 20,573,434 20,573,434
Earnings per share (EPS)1 in EUR -0.82 -0.27 11.99 9.06 -2.50

1 Attributable to shareholders of Semperit AG Holding.

Listed for trading:

The Semperit share is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange; symbol: SEM

Securities identification number and symbols:

ISIN: AT0000785555
Bloomberg: SEM:AV
Thomson Reuters: SMPV.VI

Year Dividend per share in EUR Distribution ratio
2023 0.50 n.m.
2022 4.504 n.m.
2021 1.50 12.5%
2020 1.50 16.6%
2019 - -
2018 - -
2017 - -
2016 0.70 62.3%
2015 1.20 53.2%
2014 6.001 59.6%3
2013 1.202 45%3
2012 0.80 36%
2011 0.80 32%
2010 1.25 57%
2009 1.15 61%

1 of which EUR 4.90 special dividend for 2014
2 of which EUR 0.30 as “190 years of Semperit” anniversary bonus
3 distribution ratio relative to the dividend excluding any special dividend or anniversary bonus
For further information regarding the conditional additional dividend please see Dividend Announcement and Supplement to the Dividend Announcement

Dividend policy

The dividend policy of the Semperit Group basically aims at a distribution of around 50% of earnings after taxes – assuming continued successful performance with no unusual circumstances. However, the Group is currently undergoing a profound transformation to become an industrial polymere specialist, albeit somewhat delayed by the pandemic.

For this purpose, company acquisitions and organic growth projects are being planned, for which the corresponding financial strength will be required. Deviations from a pay-out ratio of around 50% are therefore possible for the duration of this strategic transformation with the purpose of being financially robust for potential company acquisitions and organic growth. This strategic realignment is in the best interest of all shareholders.


Judit Helenyi

Director Investor Relations

Tel. +43 1 79777-310
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